Coping Corners, LLC

Psychological services aimed at strengthening the mental well-being of individuals, organizations, and the community.  Connect with a clinician for tailored psychological services.

Psychological Services

    Child & Educational Advocacy
    An advocate assists individuals through the educational system and psychological services to obtain necessary supports for youth and families.  Advocacy can be implemented to support a youth’s rights and needs in school, court proceedings, and/or various levels of mental healthcare systems.
    Psychological Diagnostic Evaluations
    Evaluations to help identify presenting concerns that impact daily functioning in different areas of a youth’s life.  Diagnostic assessments can be utilized to assist with academic support or direct therapeutic services.
    Psychological services that support the mental wellbeing of children, adolescents, and adults to improve their day-to-day life, perception of situations, and explore influential past experiences. 
    Professional Development
    Public speaking engagement such as webinars, trainings, or presentations provide amazing opportunities to obtain more information on topics in the mental health field.  Psychoeducation is tailored to meet the needs of the audience or organization by increasing awareness and use of specific skills.
    Therapeutic Groups
    Group sessions provide individuals with an opportunity to discuss common experiences and concerns to collectively provide and obtain therapeutic support.
    Clinical Consultation
    Clinical consultation offers an opportunity to speak with a subject matter expert to acquire information on evidence based practices and learn about available mental health resources tailored to identified mental health concerns for diverse populations in specific treatment settings.
    Clinical Supervision
    Clinical supervision can be provided to fellow psychologists, psychology associates, and students studying clinical psychology in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia.  Supervision is aimed to facilitate the growth of a supervisee’s clinical competencies and practice of mental health services with the importance of protecting the client and public.

    Dr. Lauren Colston

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist in DC, Maryland, and Virginia delivering psychological services to individuals, organizations, and public systems.